Saturday, December 23, 2006

Another Good Post On Panic Attack Remedies

Panic Attack Remedy

These days, there are many panic attack remedy options available to people all over the world, thanks to the internet. You still need to be aware of the scams and people trying to steal your money.

These people know that those who suffer from panic attacks or other anxiety disorders are desperate and will try anything if it looks believable enough. Go with reputable sources.

Doctors, Drugs And Therapy

Generally, a safe and effective way to go, though even this can pose problems. Drugs can cause nasty side effects. Some might not work, so it takes time before you find one that does.

You'll also need to have a really good doctor in every respect. I've known my fair share of doctors that I would never go back to. Those who have suffered for years, going from doctor to doctor, will know EXACTLY what I mean.

Cognitive behavioral therapy, (particularly with medication; drugs or natural) is an effective remedy for panic attacks. If you're asked if you want this, JUMP at the chance. It's for your own good.

Other Panic Attack Remedies

You can also try things at home. Drink herbal teas that have chamomile, Valerian or lemon balm. These have properties to soothe and calm you down and are good for panic attacks.

Try taking B-Complex vitamins as well as calcium and magnesium. They may not cure you, but lacking these can make panic attacks worse. Take these as part of the big picture.

Emotional Freedom Techniques is relatively new. There doesn't seem to be much study in this, but many people swear that it works. It's based on stimulating specific points in the body, releasing energy and bringing about a cure.

Three notable methods have helped thousands of people all over the world. These are PureCalm, Panic Away and The Linden Method. For those who prefer drug-free remedies, these would be excellent options.

PureCalm contains natural ingredients and is safe and generally effective. It contains lemon balm and passion flower, both known ingredients to restore calmness.

Panic Away and The Linden Method are programs created by ex-sufferers. For those who prefer to learn by reading, I'd recommend Panic Away. If you're a listener, then go with The Linden Method. Both are good choices.

You may need to experiment or research to find YOUR panic attack remedy. It's treatable. Don't suffer silently and needlessly anymore.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Article Regarding Panic Attacks & Phobias

This article discusses more about phobia without the context of panic away. However panic attacks may be triggered by phobias and a good knowledge is quite helpful. Are Phobias Controlling Your Life

According to the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), over 6 million Americans suffer from specific phobias. A specific phobia is an anxiety disorder that is based on a certain fear. These fears vary greatly from person to person and usually stem from experiences in childhood. Specific phobias go beyond being simply adverse to a certain object or situation and can actually cause panic attacks.

Specific phobias can be difficult to diagnose in comparison to rational fears. There are six main criteria points that doctors use to diagnose specific phobias. First, the fear must be persistent and unfading. In some people, this fear may also be felt even if the object is not around or the situation is not happening, simple because it might be around or happen in the future. The second criteria that must be met for diagnosis is acute anxiety, sometimes even leading to a panic attack, when the object is around or the person is in the situations. Thirdly, the fear itself is irrational and excessive, because there is no immediate danger. Next, a person will start to avoid the object or situation, even if this disrupts daily life. Another criteria is that it disrupts life to the point where it interferes with normal daily functioning and a considerable amount of time is spent worrying about the phobia. Lastly, these symptoms are not attributed to another anxiety condition or disorder.

Fears vary widely, but fall into five categories: animals, natural environments, blood and injury, situational, and other. In some cases, treatment is not necessary. For example, if you have a fear of airplanes, you can simply choose not to fly during your life. However, once the phobia begins to disrupt your functioning on a daily basis, you should see your doctor for treatment. Behavior therapy is usually the best treatment you can get for a specific phobia. With this process, the person is exposed to the object or situation, slowly at first, and with pictures or visualization. Virtual reality is also great for helping others to overcome specific phobias.

It is simply important to seek help if a specific phobia is ruining your life. You can ask your doctor for tips to help you overcome a panic attack or ways in which to avoid objects or situations in healthy ways. While you may never be "cured" from your specific phobia, it is totally possible to let it go enough to be able to live your life normally on a day-to-day basis.
Kenneth Kender writes about health, about positive thinking and about healthy foods without hype and in plain everday English. His work is published both offline and online. His latest online project is a website called where he helps you to learn what depression is all about and what you can do to avoid or cure it.

Article Source:


Wednesday, September 13, 2006

One More Personal Review Of Panic Away

This article focuses on one of the ezine author view point on panic away. He discusses a key technique used in Panic Away. Read it for a better insight.

A Review of "Panic Away" by Joe Barry - A Permanent Cure For Anxiety Disorder

Many a great invention is born out of frustration and so it was with Joe Barry and his development of his “Panic Away” method.

Being a chronic sufferer of anxiety disorder, Joe like many other sufferers, had undergone the usual treatment route – basically a variety of relaxation and meditation techniques – but he was always acutely aware that these were strategies for coping with anxiety disorder, rather than a means of curing it once and for all.

Joe reveals in his course that he made a key discovery whilst studying the cognitive behaviour techniques that psychologists has been using to treat anxiety attacks: that of a how a panic attack fuels and generates itself. It was this discovery that led to his development of the “One Move Technique.

It is the “One Move” Technique that makes up the bulk of Joe’s “Panic Away”course. Joe takes you step-by-step through all the stages of an anxiety attack and how his “One Move Technique” can be implemented at any stage to stop these attacks in their tracks.

The technique is one that Joe has developed and refined over a 10 year period and has now taught to over 14,000 anxiety sufferers.

Joe’s technique doesn’t rely on medication, relaxation exercises or lifestyle changes. It is designed to work straight away and eliminate anxiety attacks for good.

After teaching his “One Move” technique, Joe goes into a discussion on Generalised Anxiety Disorder. He also includes important nutritional information to give your body the best dietary defence against anxiety attacks. He concludes with a discussion of medications and whether or not you should add them to your treatment programme. There is also a mini health lesson on how the human body works and the sorts of things that can happen to lead it astray.

The book is a concise 60 pages and deals only with the facts. It is written in a down-to-earth and easy to understand manner.

Joe includes a 19 day money-back-guarantee. I personally would have liked to have seen this be a bit longer, but given the programme’s price, you can’t argue with its value.
Scott runs a website on anxiety disorder and the various methods and means with which it can be treated.

This site can be visited at: Learn The Permanent Cure for Anxiety Disorder

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