Wednesday, January 2, 2008

What Are The Cause of Anxiety - " The Origins of Fear "

Is it possible to know the cause of anxiety disorders? Anxiety attacks happen more frequently than one would suspect. Chronic anxiety is debilitating and affects the lives of innumerable individuals. Fear is quite a natural human reaction. However, if the fear has no tangible cause, then it becomes a disorder. It may be said that anxiety disorders are like forming incorrect habits. The fear response is linked to a stimulus that presents no real danger. The cause of anxiety disorders can be numerous.

Cause of Anxiety – A Rundown

Lack of Balanced Nutrition - While not likely the major cause for anxiety problems, an unhealthy diet can help increase a person’s chances of developing anxiety problems. A diet rich in carbohydrates can cause high insulin levels which can affect sugar levels. High sugar-levels have a role in affecting a person’s mood. Eating a more balanced diet that is rich in fruits, vegetables and fish will easily correct insulin levels.

Physical Inactivity – It’s not only good for our bodies. Exercise plays an important role in emotional and mental well-being. Hormonal balance is strongly linked to the levels physical activity a person has. Hormones can affect emotions and thinking patterns in humans. Exercising for at least one hour a day has been shown to improve and stabilize hormone levels. To prove how important hormone levels are, some patients with anxiety disorders actually get hormonal therapy from their doctors.

Stressful Environment – Constant stress is bad for the mind. A study reveals that a significant number of people who have anxiety disorders have a history of dysfunctional families where stress and anxiety levels were very high. People can avert disorders by practicing stress management and relaxation techniques to combat the stress.

Sleep Deprivation – Lack of sleep affects the body in so many ways. It affects brain activity and hormonal levels. It is a well-known fact that sleep-deprived individuals tend to be cranky. This could exacerbate stressful situations. Having enough sleep is important.

Drug Abuse – Another leading cause of anxiety disorders is substance abuse. Some forms of anxiety disorders have their roots from drug intake. This is yet another reason why preventing drugs is important.

What Is Panic And Anxiety

Technically, Anxiety is as much a part of life as eating and sleeping & under the right circumstances, anxiety is beneficial. It heightens alertness and readies the body for action. It gives the person a chance to prepare for the upcoming event. For example, many people practice speeches and study for tests as a result of mild anxiety. Likewise, anxiety or fear and the urge to flee are a protection from danger.

I am quoting this from a reputed website(
"'Anxiety' is a word so commonly used that many people don't understand what it means in mental health care. Complicating matters is the fact that "anxiety" and fear are often used to describe the same thing. When the word "anxiety" is used to discuss a group of mental illnesses, it refers to an unpleasant and overriding mental tension that has no apparent identifiable cause. Fear, on the other hand, causes mental tension due to a specific, external reason, such as when your car skids out of control on ice.'

People with generalized anxiety disorder suffer with unrealistic or excessive anxiety and worry about life circumstances. For example, they may feel panicky about financial matters even though they have a good bank balance and have paid their debts.

Panic disorders are not uncommon. They afflict 1.5 million Americans during any six-month period. Victims suddenly suffer intense, overwhelming terror for no apparent reason. There is a poll along side that shows the most common symptoms faced by majority of people.

The fear is accompanied by at least four of the following symptoms. If you feel or have felt these symptoms then you might be in need of a treatment. It is better to take a proper advice and treatment. This is something that is very easily curable, the only thing you need is self control and proper guidance. I recommend you either meet your doctor or if you want to get over it yourself you may find panic away program quite useful.

Read about it here.